Our outdoor and indoor air purifications systems for urban spaces uses fine dust filters integrated IoT to ensure that the air is verifiably and noticeably clean.
- The only one filter-less solution, water-based, no waste, low running costs and financial savings (nature-based)
- Comprehensively tackles various air pollutants and climate-altering agents, covering PM (PM0.02 to PM10), heavy metals, PAHs, pollen, spores, LH, NOx, NO2, SO2, CO, CO2, and O3, Ammonia, nano particles, viruses and micro-organisms
- The treated clean, cool air enters the environment through the ecological shading design
- Embeds IoT, AI, Energy Efficiency, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Human Health and Circular Economy (enabler)
India generates between 55-62 million tonnes (Mt) of municipal solid waste (MSW) annually. About 43 Mt is collected, of which 12 Mt are treated, and 31 Mt is dumped in open areas. This is over and above our legacy waste: approximately, 800 Mt of MSW already exists in 3159 open dumpsites across the country
- AI based robotic waste segregration
- Energy, Biofuels and renewable chemicals from both organic & inorganic waste
- Eliminate toxins and pollutants released into the atmosphere when waste is incinerated
- Reduced carbon footprint
Urban Flooding
India suffered a total loss of $3.2 billion from flooding as we faced heavy rains and flash floods during the monsoon season between June and September 2021. Ruuris Innovations along with its international partners offers solutions to address urban flooding which has already been implemented across 27 countries.
- Inflatable Flood Barriers
- Demountable - Flood Barriers Systems
- Flood Gates
- Self Closing Flood Barriers
- Flood Glazing Systems
- Permeable Pavements
- Draining Monitoring and Alarm Systems